Recently I woke up earlier than usual on Saturday morning. About eight o’clock! The Lord was speaking some things to my heart so strongly that I had to sit up in my bed and listen intently. Such a rewarding experience!

The Father was revealing things to my heart, and I was so excited that I had to share these things with a loved one of mine. My first mistake was picking up my cell phone to call them. There was no answer. The first thought that came to me was that they were probably in another part of their home where they couldn’t get to the phone. They would see that I called and call me back.

So, I just continued praying. But I couldn’t focus on my prayer time with the Father. I was too distracted by why I could not reach this person at this time of the morning. They are usually awake by this time.

I called back a few minutes later. Still no answer! I left a couple messages, sent a text, called their cell phone and got no response. Now mind you, it was around eight in the morning, and I’m usually up around ten.

More thoughts began to flood my mind.

The Lord impressed upon my heart to read the word and go back to sleep, and the person I was trying to reach would get back with me.

But because I thought I was smarter than God and my emotions had already began to stir, I tried calling them again. Nothing! Then I thought maybe they went grocery shopping. No, that wasn’t good enough for me. At this point, I needed to see them and hear their voice.

I got up and got dressed to go over and see about them. As I was getting dressed, these crazy thoughts of something tragic happening to them started coming to me. I literally felt my emotions starting to turn.

So, what did I do?

I made a decision! I began to take authority over these thoughts and feelings. I continued praying in the Spirit and began to worship God. I wanted to cry from fear of what might have happened to my loved one, but I refused to give into these thoughts.Letting the Holy Spirit Guide

As I was getting closer to their home, which is about 30 minutes away from me, my phone rang and it was them.

Guess what time it was when they called me? A little after ten. My get up time! They had just gotten home from grocery shopping. Go figure! They told me they had left out around eight. My sleep time! They could not answer their cell phone because they were busy shopping and didn’t even hear their phone ring.

Lesson Learned

If we do not deal with them right away, crazy thoughts like this (that are not in harmony with the word of God) can lead to out-of-whack emotions. And this can lead to unnecessary actions. If I had just obeyed the Holy Spirit’s leading by continuing my prayer time, reading the Word, and going back to sleep, I never would have gotten out of my place of rest.

No guilt or condemnation, but I was reminded of some valuable lessons that day.

I was reminded that I am one with Jesus and not my thoughts. We can control our emotions by taking authority over our thoughts. And we have to remember the importance of guarding our hearts by protecting our eyes and ears.

I learned that I do not have to deny my emotions, but I also don’t have to give in to them. I am learning to give them over to the Lord, and He helps me process through them.

The Lord will always lead and guide us into all truth. He knows best how to comfort us and lead us beside still, peaceful waters.

Till next time, blessings.


Tonya Williams

Tonya Williams

Tonya Williams was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and currently resides in the Chicagoland area. Her passion is being an expression of God’s love to people wherever she goes. Currently, she is enjoying her life as an Accountant, professional blogger, and being established as a best-selling author. Check out her website at: for more information. You can find her two books, “Do You Know Who You Are? Confessions of Your Identity” Volume 1 and, “Do You Know Who You Are? Embrace Your True Identity” Volume 2 on

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