It seems to me that one thing we all want is to be seen. And not just seen, but really noticed. Deep down inside, we equate being seen to being valued. Valued for our ideas, our contributions, our passions, and most of all, valued for just being the person we are now, at this very minute. 

to be seen and loved

I have traveled a large portion of the world and I can say that, in my experience, this is a common need for most people I have met.  

What do you think of that idea? Do you want to be seen? Do you want to be valued? Do you think people around the world feel that way too or is it just common to our culture?

What you believe shapes who you are 

Your ideas and thoughts about this subject will influence your experience on a mission trip. Why do you want to go on this trip? Are you going to go so you can tell people about Jesus? Or are you going to build relationships with people? To really notice them and to value how God made them?

If we think about it for awhile, we can probably agree that God sees us.

He saw that we needed a way to be with Him and to feel known and valued. He noticed us so much that He sends His son to die for us on a cross. What is more, Jesus willingly did what God asked Him to do so we can all be together for eternity. This is true love. Seeing and being seen. Putting love into action. The Lord’s value for us is far beyond our comprehension!

Notice the people you minister to on your mission trip

Jesus came to give life and to love

When you go on your next trip, see people. Notice them, get to know them, and learn about their culture and their special contributions to the world. Once you do that, they will see Jesus in you. At that point, Jesus will become the topic of discussion naturally because they will want to know you and why you care about them.

And, of course, your answer is: because Jesus first loved (truly saw and valued) me so I came to share that love with you.

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