All Posts By

Saundra Dunn

Leader Vlog Cover Thumbnail ImagesLeadership

Staying focused with Team Members (Patience)

February's Leader VLOG is out Now! Lots of trips planned for 2020 so far and it doesn't seem to be stopping. That means there are a lot of opportunities to make an impact with teams from all across the country! Saundra Dunn continues the discussion on "What questions do you ask so that you can connect with your team"? This time we are…
Saundra Dunn
February 13, 2020
Leader Vlog Cover Thumbnail ImagesLeadership

Asking the Right Questions

First VLOG for the In Motion Leaders Vlog and Blog Section You're in on it! Thanks for being a part of the team and being Leaders at In Motion. In this edition we are looking at: Asking questions to dig deeper with team members Knowing what our questions are doing inside the head of the other person. Are they confused,…
Saundra Dunn
January 14, 2020
Leader Vlog Cover Thumbnail ImagesLeadership

Leader VLOG Introduction by Saundra Dunn

2 Things - Please Read These videos will be sent to you through your email, Facebook group, and text group which will all point to the VLOG on the website. Everywhere you click, it should take us all to the same place to engage with each other. This works best if you comment and reply to these videos so that…
Saundra Dunn
January 14, 2020

Depressed? Anxious? Wanting “out” of it all?

Do I sound like an info-mercial?   Smile. Just think of one little thing to smile about.   Then read on…   Do not fret. Do not have anxiety about anything. (I know…easier said than done these days – but possible!) Rather, be thankful and then lay out all of your concerns and fears and anxious thoughts. You can do…
Saundra Dunn
January 13, 2020

Good Medicine

Hello!!! Did you miss me? smile.    You may have noticed from my Instagram posts that I’m leaning into smiling and happiness and living. After all, we are still alive – yes? We should LIVE then. How do we do that during the chaos and craziness of life? Obviously, there are loads of ways to deal with the sadness, the…
Saundra Dunn
November 4, 2019
Be strong and courageous.LeadershipTeaching

Strong & Courageous

What does it mean to be strong and courageous?   We have ideas of strength that are faulty and even more faulty ideas of courage. We see famous people that are strong and bold and ‘out there,’ but do you know what strength and courage is for you?   Strength: the capacity of an object or substance (i.e. YOU) to…
Saundra Dunn
July 16, 2019
you can find lifeTeaching


Feeling excited about this God-given phenomenon called LIFE. How does this strike you? Perhaps it feels more like, “What?! I’m struggling to survive and you’re calling it enchanting?!” or, “Seems more like a slow death than LIFE”. Maybe your perspective is more along the lines of just surviving in a robotic form, going through the motions and attempting to keep…
Saundra Dunn
May 30, 2019
Everything DancesTeaching

Dance Like No One Is Watching!

Health Coaching tip: Dancing literally throws stress off you. Everything dances, but not everyone does…. So then, will you?   Walking through the airport on one of my constant visits, I was in a bit of a rush. I was thinking about getting to the gate, getting through security, what will the team I’m going to train be like…. Not…
Saundra Dunn
May 9, 2019