2 Things – Please Read

  1. These videos will be sent to you through your email, Facebook group, and text group which will all point to the VLOG on the website. Everywhere you click, it should take us all to the same place to engage with each other.
  2. This works best if you comment and reply to these videos so that we can get a discussion rolling. As leaders, we are connected enough to be able to be free and open with each other. This sets the stage for others who aren’t leaders to be able to start commenting and engaging with the life-changing message that you’ve come to expect and love about In Motion.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Leader Vlog – You’re here!
  2. Asking the Right Questions – by Saundra Dunn
  3. To be released
  4. To be released
  5. To be released
  6. To be released

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You will also notice some blog articles dispersed throughout the leadership VLOG page. If you’d like to contribute to this, email chris@inmotionministries.org

Hi guys, we’ve decided to engage our
leaders in a new way and that is through
vlogs. So we’re going to do this maybe in
place of emails, I’m actually not sure,
but we’re gonna do this and then what we
want to do is disperse information and
then get your feedback and that way we
can build a community through this
avenue. But also, we get to learn from you
which, I truly am excited about like I
want to learn from you guys.
So we’re gonna ask questions let you
leave comments or responses and
hopefully through this all will be way
better together so enjoy!

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