Leader VLOG #6!

Balance is something we find ourselves talking about a lot at IMM, so for this Leader VLOG, we wanted to discuss how balance applies to leadership.

More specifically, let’s talk about balance as it applies to supporting people vs. stretching people!

Watch the video, listen for the questions, then scroll to the bottom and respond in the comments. Your views and thoughts are what make the leadership program so powerful for everyone involved, so don’t be timid!

This time we’re discussing how a good balance applies to supporting AND stretching the people we’re leading. Christopher and Kenzie Morris, with In Motion Ministries, are thrilled to be able to share this VLOG with you. We hope you can take these thoughts and directly apply them to your life and leadership.

Balance is a good thing in so many aspects of our lives, but it particularly applies to how we engage the people we lead.

Leadership involves both supporting people, by meeting them where they are at, and stretching people, by helping them grow even when it is uncomfortable.

Good leaders take both of these things into account. They make a special effort to love and support people, thus building that critical element of trust, but they don’t stop there. They are then able to help people move forward, stretch, and grow!

Jesus provides a great example of this when He tells Simon to, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5). Simon explains, “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say…”

Simon was willing to put down the nets again even though it was uncomfortable and, logically speaking, made no sense –all because he trusted Jesus’ leadership.

Question: Who has down this for you? Who has loved and supported you, yet pushed you beyond your limits?

Share one of your experiences with a leader who loved you, supported you, and helped you grow.

Question: How can your leadership build trust so that you can build people?

In what ways could you better apply this type of balance to your leadership and, thus, benefit the people you’re leading.

This is the 6th ‘In Motion Ministries Leader VLOG’ (Video Blog) where we take into consideration what it means to be a balanced leader by supporting people and stretching people. In Motion has trained leaders for years in how to lead short term mission trips in various countries. If you are curious about leading trips yourself or becoming a better leader wherever you lead, visit our leadership page.

Reread the questions above and consider them for a while!

We love and appreciate our In Motion family and are praying for you during these strange times. Again, answer these Questions for the month. Answer broadly, specifically, amply, or however you best want to. Scroll down to the bottom to leave a comment.

Table of Contents – Other Episodes of the In Motion Mission Trip Leadership Blog

  1. Introduction to Leader Vlog
  2. Asking the Right Questions by Saundra Dunn
  3. Staying focused with Team Members by Saundra Dunn
  4. Confidence; Not too much or too little – Saundra Dunn
  5. Building Confidence in your Leadership – Admitting Mistakes
  6. Why You Shouldn’t Fix Every Situation – Saundra Dunn
  7. Balance in Leadership – You’re Here
  8. To be released – Are you good on camera and have some mission trip leadership acumen you want to share? See the email below and ask Chris to set this up at the next IMLT or sometime you’re in the Greeley area.

 Scroll until you see Leave a Reply

There you can leave your two cents about how you stay engaged with individual team members.

You will also notice some blog articles dispersed throughout the leadership VLOG page. If you’d like to contribute to this, email kenzie@inmotionministries.org we would love to have your knowledge available to others here.

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